Tag Results for Citrix — Insight

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Since early 2009, Citrix and VMLogix have partnered to include the VMLogix products with Citrix Essentials for the virtual lab component. This acquisition by Citrix will apply virtualization technology throughout the IT organization in a hypervisor neutral environment.

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VMLogix and Citrix are partnering to deliver a complete virtualization solution for the application lifecycle.  Citrix Essentials customers will have the advantage of using virtualization technology at every juncture of its IT organization; from the server to production and the entire application lifecycle including development and testing.  This partnership represents a new and visionary method of applying virtualization technology throughout multiple stages of the IT organization in a hypervisor neutral environment.

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We started the year with the New England Patriots posting an undefeated regular season record of 16 – 0.  It appeared to be conclusive; the Patriots would win the Super Bowl – not so fast – the wild card New York Giants made an unpredictable and disruptive move by narrowly defeating the favored Patriots.  It was inevitable that the Patriots lose at some point in the season, it just happened to be the last and most important game.

In July, the greatest sporting event, the Tour de France departed with no defending champion for the second consecutive year!  Team Astana, with two of the three podium finishers of the 2007 race appeared to have very good odds of gaining one of the top three spots again.  Surprise! Team Astana was banned and Team CSC with Carlos Sastre and company rode to an unpredictable and disruptive victory.  It was inevitable that the Tour de France could not escape controversy.

Disruption and unpredictability seem to be the prevailing themes for 2008. In a year when radical and unexpected occurrences were commonplace, should technology be any different?  Let’s take a look at the big issues that may have shocked us, but in reality, were inevitable...

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10 Pages
Following the economic downturn of 2000 to 2003, the Fortune 500 companies that pursued short-term cost-cutting strategies such as outsourcing and rollbacks in quality assurance found themselves ill prepared for future opportunities.  New research suggests that those enterprise organizations that continue to invest in critical IT areas such as software development, virtualization, and core lifecycle solutions will be better positioned for the next cycle of growth and expansion.

Tag Results for Citrix — Reports

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17 Pages

Infrastructure—a structured platform of networked elements required to deliver services—is proliferating at an explosive rate.

Infrastructure is a critical and strategic component of every business. To protect a company’s brand promise, the infrastructure must be adequately and thoroughly tested. Optimizing testing for infrastructure is a problem that must be addressed and solved now. Organizations must be able to communicate, collaborate, and connect to share test information to deliver quality of service and to deliver high customer satisfaction. The brand is the promise an organization makes to its customers, and the infrastructure delivering real business value must deliver on that brand promise.

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15 Pages
Most organizations struggle with the challenges of application and product development and delivery. Lifecycle virtualization fundamentally transforms the lifecycle and eliminates many of the common challenges faced by development and test teams. The stunning success of server virtualization technology in limiting server sprawl, reducing energy consumption, and lowering capital expenditures (CAPEX) raises the question—what can we virtualize next? The answer is almost anything and everything—especially in the lifecycle. Lifecycle virtualization and its associated technologies assist development, test, and operations teams in cutting the Gordian Knot of schedule, cost, and quality.

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25 Pages

Virtual lab management technology delivers immediate, measurable benefits and ROI. The ability to rapidly provision and deliver an environment for testing, development, sales, marketing, training, technical publications, support and other constituents in an organization enhances business alignment as it removes barriers and lowers costs, particularly capital expenditures (CAPEX).

Read this report to learn more about virtual lab technology and to help create a business case to justify the purchase.


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19 Pages
As the application lifecycle evolves, components that drive efficiency and quality become more crucial.  Organizations building centers of excellence (CoE) around performance testing find that the CoE centralizes resources and utilizes the full capabilities of today’s robust automation products. One of the main benefits is that organizations are able to consistently produce better performing applications. 

In a survey focused on rationales for building a performance CoE, the associated ROI, and success factors, we tested the hypothesis that more mature organizations have built more effective CoEs, are contributing to overall customer satisfaction, and are meeting or exceeding the goals of organizational service level agreements (SLAs).

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14 Pages
Virtualization is poised to become the defining technology of the 21st century. Virtual lab automation, a new use for virtualization in the application development and quality assurance organizations has made inroads to the pre-deployment side of the application lifecycle equation. In this Market SnapshotTM, we will examine the organization and its metamorphosis as virtual lab automation becomes more pervasive. We will also define the value and benefits of Virtual lab automation.

Tag Results for Citrix — Podcasts

This week at VMWorld 2007 it was apparent that virtualization is moving up the stack and tool vendors proliferated.  Listen to voke principal analyst Theresa Lanowitz on this edition of "Week in Review."

Tag Results for Citrix — Blog

The big news today was the Citrix acquisition of open source virtualization company XenSource. I have commented many times in the past year about the future I think virtualization has and how it will be one of the defining technologies of the 21st century.

So, here is my philosophy on the acquisition….one if you are inclined to be a geek and another if you fancy yourself more of a business person. Either way, the net / net of this is virtualization is real and coming to an enterprise near you...

Tag Results for Citrix — News

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Tag Results for Citrix — Recognition

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