Tag Results for Test Data Virtualization — Reports

Premium Content
27 Pages

This report highlights the need to bring virtualization technology to the pre-production portion of the software lifecycle to provide developers and testers with production-like environments on-demand. The five technologies highlighted in the report include:

  • Virtual and cloud-based labs
  • Service virtualization
  • Defect virtualization
  • Test data virtualization
  • Network virtualization 

 Additionally this report includes analysis of the following vendors:

  • appOrbit
  • CA Technologies
  • Delphix
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
  • IBM Microsoft
  • Neotys
  • Parasoft
  • Skytap
  • Tricentis

Research subscribers, please login to access this report.  Subscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

Tag Results for Test Data Virtualization — Event Calendar

Join voke's Theresa Lanowitz for her presentation, "QA Transformation Through Lifecycle Virtualization: 5 Technologies to Protect Your Brand and Your Business."

Date/time: Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 1:45 p.m. -  2:30 p.m.

Location: Disneyland Hotel, Ahaheim, CA

Attend in-person, or reserve your online seat and watch directly from your desktop.

Tag Results for Test Data Virtualization — Recognition

Parasoft is a company with powerful technology. It is committed to giving developers and testers the most realistic and complete environment possible by leveraging lifecycle virtualization solutions.

Download the 2016 Market Mover Array™ Report: Lifecycle Virtualization to read voke's analysis of Parasoft and see how the company's solutions enhance the software lifecycle by reducing defects, lowering costs, speeding time to market, and increasing customer satisfaction.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) delivers four of the most common lifecycle virtualization solutions through its own technology and delivers the fifth through partner integration. HPE, the go-to vendor for testers for many years, is establishing itself as a serious vendor in the lifecycle virtualization category.

Download the 2016 Market Mover Array™ Report: Lifecycle Virtualization to read voke's analysis of HPE and see how the company's solutions enhance the software lifecycle by reducing defects, lowering costs, speeding time to market, and increasing customer satisfaction.

CA is an established vendor in the service virtualization segment and an early proponent of the technology. The company continues to innovate in the lifecycle virtualization market with its service, test data, and defect virtualization offerings.

Download the 2016 Market Mover Array™ Report: Lifecycle Virtualization to read voke's analysis of CA and see how the company's solutions enhance the software lifecycle by reducing defects, lowering costs, speeding time to market, and increasing customer satisfaction.