Extracting the wealth of data that flows through the network on a daily basis is crucial. Breaking barriers between application and network management is critical to the understanding of data that is continually flowing through the network...
Oracle’s intent to acquire the e-TEST Suite assets from independent application and network equipment testing vendor Empirix is a complementary move and converts to a win / win for both companies.
Presentation slides from the joint Borland/VMware webcast with Theresa Lanowitz from voke talking about what it takes to test and deliver applications that hit their mark using virtualization. And why getting the most out of virtualization depends on how seamlessly it can be integrated with your software testing processes.
Join Theresa Lanowitz, analyst from voke, and Jonathan Lindo, CEO and Founder of Replay Solutions for a podcast discussion of current challenges in today's application problem resolution processes and suggestions for how application development teams can dramatically shorten the process of fixing defects to speed time-to-market. This session will give practical guidance on how your application team can:
Replay Solutions provides application problem resolution products that dramatically shorten the process of fixing defects to speed time-to-market. ReplayDIRECTOR functions like a DVR for enterprise applications - recording all inputs and events affecting your application while it is running, then replaying those steps to execute the code in exactly the same way and reproduce the error without needing to reproduce the environment the defect occurred in.
This free, one-day virtual seminar focuses on:
Performance experts discuss ways to document performance and scalability requirements, track those requirements through development and test, and measure performance across every stage of the development lifecycle. The panel concludes with a debate on how to best determine if those requirements are met prior to moving to production. This discussion gives you insight into how to:
In this joint Borland/VMware webcast, Theresa Lanowitz from voke will talk about what it takes to test and deliver applications that hit their mark using virtualization. And why getting the most out of virtualization depends on how seamlessly it can be integrated with your software testing processes.
Read More...Join Theresa Lanowitz, voke, Inc. and Dan Koloski, Empirix as they highlight ways to move from simply being a tester of software to an advocate for your organization’s customers.
Read More...Hewlett-Packard (HP) is in the Pivotal band of the voke Market Mover Array chart. HP’s position shows it is strong in both market leadership and technology. HP has continued to show progress and commitment to the application lifecycle market through its acquisition and partnering strategies. HP’s acquisition of Mercury in November 2006 has allowed the vendor to catapult its application lifecycle status to a higher level. The Mercury acquisition with market leading quality assurance offerings gave HP a core competency to work with as the vendor navigated the application lifecycle path.
HP is working to prove itself as an enterprise-worthy partner in the application lifecycle market. Its partnerships and acquisitions have proven to be strategic over the past 24 months. Watch for HP to deliver more value through organic growth of its offerings.