Tag Results for Microsoft — Insight

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Since early 2009, Citrix and VMLogix have partnered to include the VMLogix products with Citrix Essentials for the virtual lab component. This acquisition by Citrix will apply virtualization technology throughout the IT organization in a hypervisor neutral environment.

Subscribe Now to read voke's full analysis of this acquisition.

Premium Content

We started the year with the New England Patriots posting an undefeated regular season record of 16 – 0.  It appeared to be conclusive; the Patriots would win the Super Bowl – not so fast – the wild card New York Giants made an unpredictable and disruptive move by narrowly defeating the favored Patriots.  It was inevitable that the Patriots lose at some point in the season, it just happened to be the last and most important game.

In July, the greatest sporting event, the Tour de France departed with no defending champion for the second consecutive year!  Team Astana, with two of the three podium finishers of the 2007 race appeared to have very good odds of gaining one of the top three spots again.  Surprise! Team Astana was banned and Team CSC with Carlos Sastre and company rode to an unpredictable and disruptive victory.  It was inevitable that the Tour de France could not escape controversy.

Disruption and unpredictability seem to be the prevailing themes for 2008. In a year when radical and unexpected occurrences were commonplace, should technology be any different?  Let’s take a look at the big issues that may have shocked us, but in reality, were inevitable...

Premium Content
10 Pages
Following the economic downturn of 2000 to 2003, the Fortune 500 companies that pursued short-term cost-cutting strategies such as outsourcing and rollbacks in quality assurance found themselves ill prepared for future opportunities.  New research suggests that those enterprise organizations that continue to invest in critical IT areas such as software development, virtualization, and core lifecycle solutions will be better positioned for the next cycle of growth and expansion.

Premium Content
2 Pages
The HP acquisition of SPI Dynamics is a long awaited first indication that signals HP may actually understand the importance of the application testing business acquired via Mercury. This is an important acknowledgement of the testing customer base by HP, a base previously overlooked in HP’s plans for the former Mercury.

Premium Content
3 Pages
The publication of the VMware whitepaper “Microsoft Virtualization Licensing and Distribution Terms” is a seminal moment in the 21st century computing industry. With the publication of this whitepaper, VMware is no longer just an interesting technology player; they are a bona fide catalyst to challenge Microsoft’s entrenched franchise business of the operating system.

Premium Content
2 Pages

The market has been aflutter with fanfare over the fifth birthday of Eclipse.  Most of what has been reported has been on the positive side.  However, to really accurately think about the future, the past must be considered. In this “Market Commentary”, we will examine two fundamental Eclipse questions:

  1. What has the impact of Eclipse, both the technology and the foundation, been on the industry?
  2. What can be expected next of Eclipse?

Premium Content
3 Pages
The acquisition of Mercury by HP is completed.  The industry has lost an independent software company to a mega-vendor.  It is unclear to the market what HP’s intentions are for the Mercury product line.  In a highly competitive enterprise software application lifecycle market, HP does not have the luxury of time to slowly reveal their plans for the Mercury product line.  

Premium Content
3 Pages
Today’s IT model is flawed – the organization and management structure has not evolved to meet the demands of the 21st century.  The enterprise IT organization of the future must be more focused on the business and satisfying the customer rather than tactical projects and the most recent technology.  By 2010, enterprise IT organizations will have finally figured out what the model should look like to take advantage of a global environment where collaboration is essential.  In this vokeStream Future Watch, we identify some of the issues enterprise IT management and organizations must be aware of and address to satisfy their business customers.  Moving the model from a decidedly silo based organization to one that is customer focused for the 21st century is the ultimate goal for enterprise IT organizations to achieve.

Premium Content
2 Pages
Read the first industry analysis of HP’s acquisition of Mercury.  Given the purchase price is astronomically high one has to wonder what other companies were in the bidding war for Mercury and is Compuware the next independent software company to fall?

Tag Results for Microsoft — Reports

Premium Content
37 Pages

Significant threats from hackers are a 24x7x365 reality and the costs of security breaches can be exponential. And, with the adoption of more distributed environments and cloud platforms, these risks are exacerbated. It is critical now more than ever to move from a defensive approach to security to a well-coordinated offensive plan. 

This Market Snapshot report provides real-world data to help organizations justify the investment in operationalizing security through secure operations automation practices and solutions. Operationalizing security through the use of secure operations practices and solutions will help your organization:

  • More effectively and efficiently manage the patch backlog
  • Improve audit readiness
  • Reduce security breaches with pending patches
  • Improve patch management
  • Reduce open vulnerabilities

Research subscribers, please login to access this reportSubscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

Premium Content
35 Pages

The goal of release management is to provide an automated release pipeline with lifecycle traceability of assets. The use of release management helps organizations to improve the quality of releases while meeting the demands of more frequent releases, in either pre-production or production, through automation. Organizations using release management experience a reduction in failed deployments, fewer production errors, and increased pre-production deployments.

This Market Snapshot report provides real-world data to help you justify the investment in release management solutions. From our interviews with participants from diverse organization, we discovered how release management solutions are used, why the technology is adopted, as well as its general perceptions, challenges, and benefits.

Research subscribers, please login to access this report. Subscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

Premium Content
27 Pages

This report highlights the need to bring virtualization technology to the pre-production portion of the software lifecycle to provide developers and testers with production-like environments on-demand. The five technologies highlighted in the report include:

  • Virtual and cloud-based labs
  • Service virtualization
  • Defect virtualization
  • Test data virtualization
  • Network virtualization 

 Additionally this report includes analysis of the following vendors:

  • appOrbit
  • CA Technologies
  • Delphix
  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE)
  • IBM Microsoft
  • Neotys
  • Parasoft
  • Skytap
  • Tricentis

Research subscribers, please login to access this report.  Subscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

Premium Content
17 Pages

Each and every software defect adds unplanned work—essentially rework—to the schedule. IT must tackle rework head on to determine the most appropriate areas for improvement, investment, and increased quality.

This report provides cost of rework models for Agile and non-Agile projects and recommends ways to test earlier to reduce rework and its cost. Learn how to reduce the cost of rework in development and testing to help prevent catastrophic defects from occurring in production.

Research subscribers, please login to access this report.  Subscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

Premium Content
38 Pages

From a benefits perspective, lifecycle virtualization technologies deliver a quick and measurable economic impact, just as server virtualization has for the datacenter. Lifecycle virtualization includes the technology of virtual and cloud-based labs.

Virtual and cloud-based labs enable development and QA to access production equivalent environments on-demand, anytime and anywhere.

Virtual and cloud-based lab technology is a must-have for enterprises of all types and sizes to help reduce overall software cycle times and create an optimized environment for development and testing activities.

This Market Snapshot report provides real-world data to help organizations justify the investment in virtual and cloud-based labs.

Research subscribers, please login to access this report.  Subscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

Premium Content
76 Pages

This report highlights eight key factors that are driving innovation in the testing market, including mobility, the cloud, embedded software, development testing, infrastructure test optimization (ITO) and lifecycle virtualization.

Organizations can no longer dictate where, when, or how software is used. Workers are mobile, customers are global, and every individual has a preference as to how they want to consume software. Testers must be able to plan for and execute as many combinations and permutations of software and hardware as possible to predict the outcome of software usage. Testing professionals are now in the strategic role of customer advocate and help deliver higher quality software throughout the enterprise by placing a laser focus on assessing the risk associated with every piece of software.

This special report will be available to voke's premium research subscribers and will also be available for individual purchase for a limited time.

Read detailed analysis of the following market moving vendors:

  • Coverity
  • Electric Cloud
  • Experitest
  • HP
  • IBM
  • Keynote DeviceAnywhere
  • Micro Focus
  • Microsoft
  • Parasoft
  • Perfecto Mobile
  • QMetry
  • QualiSystems
  • Replay Solutions
  • SmartBear
  • Spirent
  • Wind River
  • ZAP technologies.com

This report is available for voke's premium research subscribers and on-demand.

Premium Content
17 Pages

Infrastructure—a structured platform of networked elements required to deliver services—is proliferating at an explosive rate.

Infrastructure is a critical and strategic component of every business. To protect a company’s brand promise, the infrastructure must be adequately and thoroughly tested. Optimizing testing for infrastructure is a problem that must be addressed and solved now. Organizations must be able to communicate, collaborate, and connect to share test information to deliver quality of service and to deliver high customer satisfaction. The brand is the promise an organization makes to its customers, and the infrastructure delivering real business value must deliver on that brand promise.

Premium Content
15 Pages
Most organizations struggle with the challenges of application and product development and delivery. Lifecycle virtualization fundamentally transforms the lifecycle and eliminates many of the common challenges faced by development and test teams. The stunning success of server virtualization technology in limiting server sprawl, reducing energy consumption, and lowering capital expenditures (CAPEX) raises the question—what can we virtualize next? The answer is almost anything and everything—especially in the lifecycle. Lifecycle virtualization and its associated technologies assist development, test, and operations teams in cutting the Gordian Knot of schedule, cost, and quality.

Premium Content
34 Pages

Today we view the application lifecycle as both the business of software and a market complete with solutions and services from a variety of vendors. Understanding the business of software is critical for all organizations to ensure that the software that runs the business fulfills the brand promise.

This Market Mover Array focuses on where the ALM market is moving. Instead of looking at the past, we will focus on the future and explore vendors’ innovation and technology as well as their marketing ability.

Premium Content
46 Pages

Software has expanded its reach to become responsible for business processes, consumer purchases, transportation, communications, and devices that are always on and, in some cases, life-critical. The stakes of making sure that proper testing occurs at all levels are greater than ever. Testing is a comprehensive and critical part of the entire lifecycle. Today’s business executive must be able to guarantee working software free of defects to avoid compromising business, safety, or security.  

This Market Mover Array™ report examines the history of the testing market and analyzes the vendors vying to move the market beyond the status quo.

Premium Content
11 Pages
Today’s application lifecycle constituents must handle increasingly complex applications, over more target platforms, with shrinking resources. Microsoft Visual Studio Lab Management 2010 transforms the lifecycle by leveraging virtualization and the central source code repository to provide lifecycle constituents a central hub that breaks down functional barriers, aligns resources with business needs, provides unified visibility into the lab, and enables optimized, strategic relationships across operations, development, and QA.

Premium Content
25 Pages

Virtual lab management technology delivers immediate, measurable benefits and ROI. The ability to rapidly provision and deliver an environment for testing, development, sales, marketing, training, technical publications, support and other constituents in an organization enhances business alignment as it removes barriers and lowers costs, particularly capital expenditures (CAPEX).

Read this report to learn more about virtual lab technology and to help create a business case to justify the purchase.


Premium Content
19 Pages
As the application lifecycle evolves, components that drive efficiency and quality become more crucial.  Organizations building centers of excellence (CoE) around performance testing find that the CoE centralizes resources and utilizes the full capabilities of today’s robust automation products. One of the main benefits is that organizations are able to consistently produce better performing applications. 

In a survey focused on rationales for building a performance CoE, the associated ROI, and success factors, we tested the hypothesis that more mature organizations have built more effective CoEs, are contributing to overall customer satisfaction, and are meeting or exceeding the goals of organizational service level agreements (SLAs).

Premium Content
32 Pages
The application lifecycle is an integral part of today’s business.  Regardless of core competencies, all organizations are driven by software that is created and customized to deliver a competitive advantage. The application lifecycle is now a strategic part of business.

This document examines the evolution of the application lifecycle and the importance of the core vendors in providing a sound foundation upon which to continue to build and define the application lifecycle.

Premium Content
6 Pages

The application lifecycle is an integral part of today’s business.  Regardless of core competencies, all organizations are driven by software.  Software that is created and customized to deliver a competitive advantage. The application lifecycle is now a strategic part of business. 

This document is an overview of the evolution of the application lifecycle and the importance of the core vendors in providing a sound foundation upon which to continue to build and define the application lifecycle.

Premium Content
14 Pages
Virtualization is poised to become the defining technology of the 21st century. Virtual lab automation, a new use for virtualization in the application development and quality assurance organizations has made inroads to the pre-deployment side of the application lifecycle equation. In this Market SnapshotTM, we will examine the organization and its metamorphosis as virtual lab automation becomes more pervasive. We will also define the value and benefits of Virtual lab automation.

Premium Content
36 Pages
Make no mistake, the application lifecycle market is real, in turmoil, and critical to the success of every enterprise - globally.  Without the products and solutions being offered in the application lifecycle market, enterprise IT organizations are relegated to technology controlling their destiny.  The practice of allowing technology to control the destiny of business is fraught with peril.  True focus on the application lifecycle and its integrated roles, responsibilities, and technology will continue to evolve and support the business. The application lifecycle ecosystem catalogs and analyzes the software suppliers in the market.  Use this document as a way to evaluate potential partners for your own application lifecycle ecosystem.  This document is virtual and updates are triggered by market events.  Suppliers to the ecosystem will be added on a regular basis. Version 1.5 continues to build out the Application Lifecycle Continuum with Empirix placed in the “Contender” position.

Premium Content
12 Pages
The message of "it's more than tools"has been prevalent for quite some time.Most enterprises and softwaresuppliers, however, remained steadfastin their focus on technology. In an erawhere expenditure, return oninvestment and customer satisfactionare paramount, a much greaterimportance is now being placed onoverall IT lifecycle management (ITLM).In this Executive Brief, we examine whyITLM should be a guiding principal forenterprise IT, and offer practical adviceon ITLM strategy and adoption.

Premium Content
29 Pages
Make no mistake, the application lifecycle market is real, in turmoil, and critical to the success of every enterprise - globally.  Without the products and solutions being offered in the application lifecycle market, enterprise IT organizations are relegated to technology controlling their destiny.  The practice of allowing technology to control the destiny of business is fraught with peril.  True focus on the application lifecycle and its integrated roles, responsibilities, and technology will continue to evolve and support the business. The application lifecycle ecosystem catalogs and analyzes the software suppliers in the market.  Use this document as a way to evaluate potential partners for your own application lifecycle ecosystem.  This document is virtual and updates are triggered by market events.  Suppliers to the ecosystem will be added on a regular basis.

Premium Content
9 Pages
This analysis is provided as historical reference for Mercury.  The analysis was conducted prior to the announcement of HP’s intent to acquire Mercury.  Please see the voke First Impressions analysis of the acquisition announcement.  The Mercury segment of the Application Lifecycle Ecosystem will be updated once the intended HP acquisition is completed. 

Tag Results for Microsoft — Podcasts

Dave Rubinstein chats with voke principal analyst Theresa Lanowitz about this week's Tech-Ed and next week's IBM Rational Conference on this edition of "Week in Review."

SD Times chats with voke principal analyst Theresa Lanowitz about Microsoft's Silverlight and VMware's new playback capability on this edition of "Week in Review."

Tag Results for Microsoft — Blog

Today, Microsoft put in an unexpected bid of $44.6B to acquire internet pioneer Yahoo!

This is indicative of Microsoft, the pioneer in PC software making a move to stay relevant. Microsoft is the quintessential software company. With its franchise business of Windows being challenged by technologies such as virtualization and Microsoft’s own insular view of how people want to work and connect Microsoft is attempting to modernize itself with this move.

The problem with the Microsoft bid for Yahoo! is that Microsoft’s DNA is bound in a bits in a box, ownership of the stack, shrink wrap mentality. This DNA is what made Microsoft successful and dominant. However, the game of the 21st century is around connection, communication, and collaboration in a mobile environment.

Will Yahoo! accept the tempting offer? Will Microsoft take over one of the internet pioneers, dramatically change their business model, and attempt to compete with Google? What happens to the famous Yahoo! brand? Stay tuned…

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The big news today was the Citrix acquisition of open source virtualization company XenSource. I have commented many times in the past year about the future I think virtualization has and how it will be one of the defining technologies of the 21st century.

So, here is my philosophy on the acquisition….one if you are inclined to be a geek and another if you fancy yourself more of a business person. Either way, the net / net of this is virtualization is real and coming to an enterprise near you...

Retro is in – all hail to the 80’s! But in software?

I was fortunate to be in attendance as Microsoft kicked off its 15th annual TechEd conference in Orlando, FL with a “Back to the Future” spoof complete with an authentic DeLorean , a remarkably well preserved Christopher Lloyd and Microsoft's Bob Muglia transformed to Michael J. Fox complete with an authentic 80’s wardrobe and hair.

I had the pleasure and honor of participating in the inaugural podcast of “SD Times The Week In Review” with SD Times Editor-in-Chief David Rubinstein...

According to the Gregorian calendar, the December 21 equinox is rapidly approaching and consequently so is the end of the year 2006.

It seems fitting that as we phase out of our last 365 and in to our next 365 we should pause to remember the good and not so good. So, here is our interpretation of 2006...

That is what HP (NYSE: HPQ) has ahead of themselves as they announce their bid of $52 per share or $4.5 billion to acquire Mercury Interactive Corporation (OTC: MERQ)...

At Microsoft Tech Ed, I had an informative conversation with Jason Beaudreau, Director of IT for Altair Global Relocation. When I first met Jason, I had no idea who or what Altair Global Relocation was. I figured they moved people around, but really did not think a relocation company would be a poster enterprise for technology. Think again! ...

At Tech Ed, the Microsoft spokespeople were certain to stress that the company was moving from supporting the developer to supporting development. This may seem like a big case of over analyzing semantics and word parsing. Trust me, this is a major statement...
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I left Boston and Microsoft Tech Ed 2006 today. As a road warrior and conference veteran I must say the Tech Ed experience in Boston was superb...
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I’ll admit it, I am a product of 70’s sitcoms, primarily The Brady Bunch. Who among us cannot remember Peter Brady belting out his memorable line “when it’s time to change, you’ve got to rearrange…” about change in the midst of teenage angst and puberty Brady style!

Well, the software industry is well beyond puberty and really has to change and rearrange. The software industry is no longer about software…it has to change and rearrange to be a hybrid...
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I spent a productive afternoon of doing nothing taking in all that is Boston. Boston is one of the greatest, if not the greatest American city. It has history, music, culture, art, august educational institutions, an efficient and well used transit system, architecture and, of course, the Boston Red Sox...
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One of the unique vendors I encountered at the Wind River Worldwide User Conference was Kuka Controls. The company, among other offerings, makes two products that can really enhance the experience between device software and a traditional Microsoft Windows environment. The two Kuka products with so much to offer in terms of integration are VxWin and CeWin...

Tag Results for Microsoft — News


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Tag Results for Microsoft — Press Releases

Tag Results for Microsoft — Industry Press Releases

Tag Results for Microsoft — Event Calendar

Join voke's Theresa Lanowitz and Microsoft's Chuck Sterling at STAReast.

Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional is a comprehensive software testing solution targeted at software testing practitioners. In this session you will be introduced to the powerful tools and capabilities of the solution in addressing the demands of full lifecycle software testing workloads. Come discover the possibilities and walk away with a broad understanding of Microsoft’s commitment, priorities, and solutions in addressing the requirements and demands of software testing and software test professionals.

voke's Theresa Lanowitz is joining Microsoft's Charles Sterling at StarEast 2012 to present the Seven Secrets of Microsoft Test Professional.  The session will be live at StarEast and available online in the virtual conference.  The Seven Secrets will be presented in the session titled:  Software Testing Using Microsoft Visual Studio Test Professional.


New tools and solutions are delivering novel ways to solve age-old challenges and problems encountered throughout the application lifecycle. These testing solutions in the market enhance the communication between developers and testers while revolutionizing automated testing. Technologies, such as virtualization, enable testing organizations to reduce capital expenditures while improving time-to-market and decreasing test time.

Join voke founder and analyst Theresa Lanowitz and Microsoft's Brian Keller as they discuss how modern testing practices are undergoing a revolution because of new tools and supporting technologies. This presentation will also focus on:

  • Exploring the modern testing market and its trends
  • Investigating the benefit of virtual lab management in testing environments
  • Examining the voke Market Mover Array chart

voke's Theresa Lanowitz will be joining Microsoft's Dave Mendlen in the keynote at Visual Studio Live in Redmond, Washington on August 4, 2010.

Missed the event?  Watch the video of Theresa's presentation today.

Orlando, Florida

Tag Results for Microsoft — Recognition

Parasoft is a company with powerful technology. It is committed to giving developers and testers the most realistic and complete environment possible by leveraging lifecycle virtualization solutions.

Download the 2016 Market Mover Array™ Report: Lifecycle Virtualization to read voke's analysis of Parasoft and see how the company's solutions enhance the software lifecycle by reducing defects, lowering costs, speeding time to market, and increasing customer satisfaction.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) delivers four of the most common lifecycle virtualization solutions through its own technology and delivers the fifth through partner integration. HPE, the go-to vendor for testers for many years, is establishing itself as a serious vendor in the lifecycle virtualization category.

Download the 2016 Market Mover Array™ Report: Lifecycle Virtualization to read voke's analysis of HPE and see how the company's solutions enhance the software lifecycle by reducing defects, lowering costs, speeding time to market, and increasing customer satisfaction.

CA is an established vendor in the service virtualization segment and an early proponent of the technology. The company continues to innovate in the lifecycle virtualization market with its service, test data, and defect virtualization offerings.

Download the 2016 Market Mover Array™ Report: Lifecycle Virtualization to read voke's analysis of CA and see how the company's solutions enhance the software lifecycle by reducing defects, lowering costs, speeding time to market, and increasing customer satisfaction.

Organizations can no longer dictate where, when, or how software is used. Workers are mobile, customers are global, and every individual has a preference as to how they want to consume software. As a result, the testing market of the future will not have one dominant vendor; rather the market will be defined by software from testing vendors that is open and integrated with a wide variety of tooling options. Testers must be able to plan for and execute as many combinations and permutations of software and hardware as possible to predict the outcome of software usage. Testing professionals are now in the strategic role of customer advocate and help deliver higher quality software throughout the enterprise by placing a laser focus on assessing the risk associated with every piece of software.

The 2012 Market Mover Array recognizes the following testing platforms vendors:

  • Coverity
  • Electric Cloud
  • Experitest
  • HP
  • IBM
  • Keynote DeviceAnywhere
  • Micro Focus
  • Microsoft
  • Parasoft
  • Perfecto Mobile
  • QualiSystems
  • QMetry
  • Replay Solutions
  • SmartBear
  • Spirent
  • Wind River
  • ZAP technologies.com


Today we view the application lifecycle as both the business of software and a market complete with solutions and services from a variety of vendors. Understanding the business of software is critical for all organizations to ensure that the software that runs the business fulfills the brand promise.

This Market Mover ArrayTM report focuses on where the ALM market is moving. Instead of looking at the past, we will focus on the future and explore vendors’ innovation and technology as well as their marketing ability.

  • HP — defining and expanding the application lifecycle and the necessary link to the line of business
  • IBM — providing a comprehensive lifecycle solution for enterprise IT and systems software solutions
  • Microsoft — organically creating a lifecycle solution for a heterogeneous environment
  • MKS — delivering lifecycle solutions for product engineering teams and IT organizations
  • ThoughtWorks Studios — focusing on making the application lifecycle attainable by all organizations
  • TOMOS — delivering a lightweight and modern cloud solution for the application lifecycle
  • Wind River — delivering a lifecycle solution for software engineering teams of embedded, device, and systems software


Software has expanded its reach to become responsible for business processes, consumer purchases, transportation, communications, and devices that are always on and, in some cases, life-critical. The stakes of making sure that proper testing occurs at all levels are greater than ever. Testing is a comprehensive and critical part of the entire lifecycle. Today’s business executive must be able to guarantee working software free of defects to avoid compromising business, safety, or security.

This Market Mover Array™ report examines the history of the testing market and analyzes the vendors vying to move the market beyond the status quo.

  • HP and IBM — market share leaders with comprehensive solutions and professional services
  • Microsoft and Replay Solutions — delivering innovative game-changing solutions  using the power of virtualization technology
  • Coverity, Electric Cloud, and Klocwork — extending essential innovation beyond the test team
  • Fanfare — offering a testing platform for embedded systems and devices
  • MKS — delivering a collaborative test management environment as part of a comprehensive platform for product engineering and software development
  • QMetry and TOMOS — delivering lightweight cloud alternatives for testing
  • Micro Focus and Original Software — challengers to the traditional testing vendors

Login to read how Microsoft Expression Studio helps make applications usable.


With the introduction of Visual Studio Team System, Microsoft began to transform and challenge the conventional wisdom of the linear application lifecycle.  Today, the market has moved to an integrated approach of skills, processes including best practices, and technology to transform the application lifecycle and enhance the business.  Microsoft with its organic product creation and growth is at the forefront of transforming the market.

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