Tag Results for Klocwork — Insight

Premium Content
4 Pages
Application security is an issue practitioners have chosen to defer to the operations group. The rationale is multi-faceted and includes issues such as: lack of skills, lack of time, and lack of support by upper management. In this Market Commentary, we examine the six truisms that must occur to make the practice of application security a reality.

Tag Results for Klocwork — Reports

Premium Content
17 Pages

Infrastructure—a structured platform of networked elements required to deliver services—is proliferating at an explosive rate.

Infrastructure is a critical and strategic component of every business. To protect a company’s brand promise, the infrastructure must be adequately and thoroughly tested. Optimizing testing for infrastructure is a problem that must be addressed and solved now. Organizations must be able to communicate, collaborate, and connect to share test information to deliver quality of service and to deliver high customer satisfaction. The brand is the promise an organization makes to its customers, and the infrastructure delivering real business value must deliver on that brand promise.

Premium Content
46 Pages

Software has expanded its reach to become responsible for business processes, consumer purchases, transportation, communications, and devices that are always on and, in some cases, life-critical. The stakes of making sure that proper testing occurs at all levels are greater than ever. Testing is a comprehensive and critical part of the entire lifecycle. Today’s business executive must be able to guarantee working software free of defects to avoid compromising business, safety, or security.  

This Market Mover Array™ report examines the history of the testing market and analyzes the vendors vying to move the market beyond the status quo.

Tag Results for Klocwork — Blog

Premium Content
One of the biggest benefits of going to conferences is coming across new and exciting vendors in the industry. While you are attending the conference and caught up in the excitement, it’s thrilling to find a new gem with innovative and creative ideas, products, and offerings. Last week at the Wind River Worldwide User Conference, I found five exciting “newish” companies and one stalwart with a new twist on things...

Tag Results for Klocwork — Industry Press Releases

Tag Results for Klocwork — Recognition


Software has expanded its reach to become responsible for business processes, consumer purchases, transportation, communications, and devices that are always on and, in some cases, life-critical. The stakes of making sure that proper testing occurs at all levels are greater than ever. Testing is a comprehensive and critical part of the entire lifecycle. Today’s business executive must be able to guarantee working software free of defects to avoid compromising business, safety, or security.

This Market Mover Array™ report examines the history of the testing market and analyzes the vendors vying to move the market beyond the status quo.

  • HP and IBM — market share leaders with comprehensive solutions and professional services
  • Microsoft and Replay Solutions — delivering innovative game-changing solutions  using the power of virtualization technology
  • Coverity, Electric Cloud, and Klocwork — extending essential innovation beyond the test team
  • Fanfare — offering a testing platform for embedded systems and devices
  • MKS — delivering a collaborative test management environment as part of a comprehensive platform for product engineering and software development
  • QMetry and TOMOS — delivering lightweight cloud alternatives for testing
  • Micro Focus and Original Software — challengers to the traditional testing vendors