Tag Results for HP — Insight

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HP Announces Intent to Acquire Network Virtualization Business and Technology of Shunra 

In a quiet blog post on the evening of March 4, 2014, HP announced that it had signed a definitive agreement to acquire the network virtualization business and technology of Shunra, a current HP partner.
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HP’s acquisition of Fortify Software is not unexpected. The two companies have been working collaboratively for the past 12 months. HP is using this acquisition to differentiate its application lifecycle solution in the market and deliver integrated solutions to the developer audience.

Subscribe Now to read voke's full analysis of this acquisition.

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Each year we enter into uncertain territory because of existing and previously untested market conditions, however predicting the future, or at least having an understanding of what could happen, is largely predicated on understanding the past and observing the present.   

As the saying goes, history repeats itself.  In 2009, expect to see some stunning developments that are reminiscent of the past as well as out of the box thinking by vendors to continue to thrive in new and different market conditions...

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We started the year with the New England Patriots posting an undefeated regular season record of 16 – 0.  It appeared to be conclusive; the Patriots would win the Super Bowl – not so fast – the wild card New York Giants made an unpredictable and disruptive move by narrowly defeating the favored Patriots.  It was inevitable that the Patriots lose at some point in the season, it just happened to be the last and most important game.

In July, the greatest sporting event, the Tour de France departed with no defending champion for the second consecutive year!  Team Astana, with two of the three podium finishers of the 2007 race appeared to have very good odds of gaining one of the top three spots again.  Surprise! Team Astana was banned and Team CSC with Carlos Sastre and company rode to an unpredictable and disruptive victory.  It was inevitable that the Tour de France could not escape controversy.

Disruption and unpredictability seem to be the prevailing themes for 2008. In a year when radical and unexpected occurrences were commonplace, should technology be any different?  Let’s take a look at the big issues that may have shocked us, but in reality, were inevitable...

Premium Content
10 Pages
Following the economic downturn of 2000 to 2003, the Fortune 500 companies that pursued short-term cost-cutting strategies such as outsourcing and rollbacks in quality assurance found themselves ill prepared for future opportunities.  New research suggests that those enterprise organizations that continue to invest in critical IT areas such as software development, virtualization, and core lifecycle solutions will be better positioned for the next cycle of growth and expansion.

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2 Pages
The HP acquisition of SPI Dynamics is a long awaited first indication that signals HP may actually understand the importance of the application testing business acquired via Mercury. This is an important acknowledgement of the testing customer base by HP, a base previously overlooked in HP’s plans for the former Mercury.

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4 Pages
Application security is an issue practitioners have chosen to defer to the operations group. The rationale is multi-faceted and includes issues such as: lack of skills, lack of time, and lack of support by upper management. In this Market Commentary, we examine the six truisms that must occur to make the practice of application security a reality.

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3 Pages
The acquisition of Mercury by HP is completed.  The industry has lost an independent software company to a mega-vendor.  It is unclear to the market what HP’s intentions are for the Mercury product line.  In a highly competitive enterprise software application lifecycle market, HP does not have the luxury of time to slowly reveal their plans for the Mercury product line.  

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2 Pages
Read the first industry analysis of HP’s acquisition of Mercury.  Given the purchase price is astronomically high one has to wonder what other companies were in the bidding war for Mercury and is Compuware the next independent software company to fall?

Tag Results for HP — Reports

Premium Content
32 Pages

From a benefits perspective, lifecycle virtualization technologies deliver a quick and measurable economic impact, just as server virtualization provides for the datacenter. Lifecycle virtualization includes the technology of service virtualization.

Service virtualization enables development and test teams to statefully simulate and model their dependencies of unavailable or limited services and data that cannot be easily virtualized by conventional server or hardware virtualization means. Service virtualization removes the constrains and wait times frequently experienced by development and test teams needing to access components, architectures, databases, mainframes, mobile platforms, and so on.

Service virtualization technology is critical to the success of a vibrant application economy. Organizations using service virtualization experience fewer defects, reduced software cycles, and increased customer satisfaction.

This Market Snapshot report provides real-world data to help organizations justify the investment in service virtualization.

Research subscribers, please login to access this report.  Subscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

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17 Pages

Each and every software defect adds unplanned work—essentially rework—to the schedule. IT must tackle rework head on to determine the most appropriate areas for improvement, investment, and increased quality.

This report provides cost of rework models for Agile and non-Agile projects and recommends ways to test earlier to reduce rework and its cost. Learn how to reduce the cost of rework in development and testing to help prevent catastrophic defects from occurring in production.

Research subscribers, please login to access this report.  Subscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

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38 Pages

From a benefits perspective, lifecycle virtualization technologies deliver a quick and measurable economic impact, just as server virtualization has for the datacenter. Lifecycle virtualization includes the technology of virtual and cloud-based labs.

Virtual and cloud-based labs enable development and QA to access production equivalent environments on-demand, anytime and anywhere.

Virtual and cloud-based lab technology is a must-have for enterprises of all types and sizes to help reduce overall software cycle times and create an optimized environment for development and testing activities.

This Market Snapshot report provides real-world data to help organizations justify the investment in virtual and cloud-based labs.

Research subscribers, please login to access this report.  Subscribe now to access this report or purchase on-demand access.

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18 Pages

This report highlights benefits and provides analysis about HP Service Virtualization.

Software is at the core of our daily lives. To deliver a quality experience, software teams must deal with an intricate and often global supply chain.

Service virtualization is a powerful technology that overcomes the constraints that delay schedules and impact both cost and quality.

Enterprise IT organizations must make a concerted effort to use service virtualization to help improve time-to-market, manage costs, and improve software quality.

Read this report to learn how HP Service Virtualization solves the classic computing problem of unrestricted access to either incomplete or unavailable components for development or testing.

This report is available for voke's premium research subscribers or on-demand.

Premium Content
16 Pages

Software is critical to the success of every business. The line of business and IT organization must be aligned on the enterprise software strategy.

Managing the business of software is a service offered by strategically focused professional services teams. Successfully managing the business of software is an integral part of a successful transformation of an IT organization to be aligned, collaborative, and connected across the entire software supply chain and the line of business.

This report highlights why HP Software ALM Professional Services is a powerful mix of people, process, and technology to help enable a fully optimized enterprise achieve strong business outcomes.

This report is available to voke's premium research subscribers or on-demand.

Premium Content
24 Pages

Is your organization preparing to evaluate, investigate, and adopt a service virtualization solution? Download voke’s 2012 Market Snapshot Report to get the latest insights on how service virtualization is meeting its promise to deliver more predictable, effective, and efficient business outcomes.

Market Snapshot Report highlights: 

  • The need, use, benefits, challenges, and ROI of service virtualization based on voke’s interviews with participants from diverse organizations, market segments, geographies, and roles. 
  • The key justification, business case, and rationale used by other software development and testing professionals to get management approval for purchasing a service virtualization solution.
  • Primary vendors offering service virtualization solutions — CA Technologies, HP, IBM, and Parasoft.
  • The critical assessment questions you need to ask about your organization before implementing a service virtualization solution.

This report is available for voke's premium research subscribers and on-demand.

Premium Content
76 Pages

This report highlights eight key factors that are driving innovation in the testing market, including mobility, the cloud, embedded software, development testing, infrastructure test optimization (ITO) and lifecycle virtualization.

Organizations can no longer dictate where, when, or how software is used. Workers are mobile, customers are global, and every individual has a preference as to how they want to consume software. Testers must be able to plan for and execute as many combinations and permutations of software and hardware as possible to predict the outcome of software usage. Testing professionals are now in the strategic role of customer advocate and help deliver higher quality software throughout the enterprise by placing a laser focus on assessing the risk associated with every piece of software.

This special report will be available to voke's premium research subscribers and will also be available for individual purchase for a limited time.

Read detailed analysis of the following market moving vendors:

  • Coverity
  • Electric Cloud
  • Experitest
  • HP
  • IBM
  • Keynote DeviceAnywhere
  • Micro Focus
  • Microsoft
  • Parasoft
  • Perfecto Mobile
  • QMetry
  • QualiSystems
  • Replay Solutions
  • SmartBear
  • Spirent
  • Wind River
  • ZAP technologies.com

This report is available for voke's premium research subscribers and on-demand.

Premium Content
17 Pages

Infrastructure—a structured platform of networked elements required to deliver services—is proliferating at an explosive rate.

Infrastructure is a critical and strategic component of every business. To protect a company’s brand promise, the infrastructure must be adequately and thoroughly tested. Optimizing testing for infrastructure is a problem that must be addressed and solved now. Organizations must be able to communicate, collaborate, and connect to share test information to deliver quality of service and to deliver high customer satisfaction. The brand is the promise an organization makes to its customers, and the infrastructure delivering real business value must deliver on that brand promise.

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15 Pages
Most organizations struggle with the challenges of application and product development and delivery. Lifecycle virtualization fundamentally transforms the lifecycle and eliminates many of the common challenges faced by development and test teams. The stunning success of server virtualization technology in limiting server sprawl, reducing energy consumption, and lowering capital expenditures (CAPEX) raises the question—what can we virtualize next? The answer is almost anything and everything—especially in the lifecycle. Lifecycle virtualization and its associated technologies assist development, test, and operations teams in cutting the Gordian Knot of schedule, cost, and quality.

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10 Pages
Applications are often a company’s best asset—providing tangible business value across the entire organization. Application modernization is a strategic, long-term approach that enables organizations to make the best choices about their current applications and to meet the demands of the business today, as well as tomorrow. HP is a clear thought leader in application modernization. With its strong technology and service offerings spanning the entire application lifecycle, HP is in a position to deliver technology that will successfully prepare and enable applications for the future.

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34 Pages

Today we view the application lifecycle as both the business of software and a market complete with solutions and services from a variety of vendors. Understanding the business of software is critical for all organizations to ensure that the software that runs the business fulfills the brand promise.

This Market Mover Array focuses on where the ALM market is moving. Instead of looking at the past, we will focus on the future and explore vendors’ innovation and technology as well as their marketing ability.

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9 Pages

Application lifecycle management (ALM) is a term that expresses the people, processes, and solutions used in creating, managing, and delivering software during all phases that software travels through during its existence.

HP has long been at the center of ALM. With the market-defining Quality Center and Performance Center, HP changed the landscape from one in which organizations focused on the software development lifecycle (SDLC), with development being the operative word, to one that embraced ALM.

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46 Pages

Software has expanded its reach to become responsible for business processes, consumer purchases, transportation, communications, and devices that are always on and, in some cases, life-critical. The stakes of making sure that proper testing occurs at all levels are greater than ever. Testing is a comprehensive and critical part of the entire lifecycle. Today’s business executive must be able to guarantee working software free of defects to avoid compromising business, safety, or security.  

This Market Mover Array™ report examines the history of the testing market and analyzes the vendors vying to move the market beyond the status quo.

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23 Pages
Theresa Lanowitz's webinar slides.

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19 Pages
As the application lifecycle evolves, components that drive efficiency and quality become more crucial.  Organizations building centers of excellence (CoE) around performance testing find that the CoE centralizes resources and utilizes the full capabilities of today’s robust automation products. One of the main benefits is that organizations are able to consistently produce better performing applications. 

In a survey focused on rationales for building a performance CoE, the associated ROI, and success factors, we tested the hypothesis that more mature organizations have built more effective CoEs, are contributing to overall customer satisfaction, and are meeting or exceeding the goals of organizational service level agreements (SLAs).

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32 Pages
voke Webinar slides from:  Business Analysts Empowered:  Optimize global IT project teams through a Requirements Lifecycle.

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20 Pages
The business analyst role is gaining visibility and momentum, and driving competitive differentiation in the lifecycle market. From April through July 2008, voke conducted an independent survey of unique individuals in the emerging requirements definition segment of the application lifecycle market. The Market Snapshot survey set out to identify the state of the business analyst market segment based on roles, processes, and market readiness of technology.

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32 Pages
The application lifecycle is an integral part of today’s business.  Regardless of core competencies, all organizations are driven by software that is created and customized to deliver a competitive advantage. The application lifecycle is now a strategic part of business.

This document examines the evolution of the application lifecycle and the importance of the core vendors in providing a sound foundation upon which to continue to build and define the application lifecycle.

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6 Pages

The application lifecycle is an integral part of today’s business.  Regardless of core competencies, all organizations are driven by software.  Software that is created and customized to deliver a competitive advantage. The application lifecycle is now a strategic part of business. 

This document is an overview of the evolution of the application lifecycle and the importance of the core vendors in providing a sound foundation upon which to continue to build and define the application lifecycle.

Premium Content
14 Pages
Virtualization is poised to become the defining technology of the 21st century. Virtual lab automation, a new use for virtualization in the application development and quality assurance organizations has made inroads to the pre-deployment side of the application lifecycle equation. In this Market SnapshotTM, we will examine the organization and its metamorphosis as virtual lab automation becomes more pervasive. We will also define the value and benefits of Virtual lab automation.

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36 Pages
Make no mistake, the application lifecycle market is real, in turmoil, and critical to the success of every enterprise - globally.  Without the products and solutions being offered in the application lifecycle market, enterprise IT organizations are relegated to technology controlling their destiny.  The practice of allowing technology to control the destiny of business is fraught with peril.  True focus on the application lifecycle and its integrated roles, responsibilities, and technology will continue to evolve and support the business. The application lifecycle ecosystem catalogs and analyzes the software suppliers in the market.  Use this document as a way to evaluate potential partners for your own application lifecycle ecosystem.  This document is virtual and updates are triggered by market events.  Suppliers to the ecosystem will be added on a regular basis. Version 1.5 continues to build out the Application Lifecycle Continuum with Empirix placed in the “Contender” position.

Premium Content
29 Pages
Make no mistake, the application lifecycle market is real, in turmoil, and critical to the success of every enterprise - globally.  Without the products and solutions being offered in the application lifecycle market, enterprise IT organizations are relegated to technology controlling their destiny.  The practice of allowing technology to control the destiny of business is fraught with peril.  True focus on the application lifecycle and its integrated roles, responsibilities, and technology will continue to evolve and support the business. The application lifecycle ecosystem catalogs and analyzes the software suppliers in the market.  Use this document as a way to evaluate potential partners for your own application lifecycle ecosystem.  This document is virtual and updates are triggered by market events.  Suppliers to the ecosystem will be added on a regular basis.

Premium Content
9 Pages
This analysis is provided as historical reference for Mercury.  The analysis was conducted prior to the announcement of HP’s intent to acquire Mercury.  Please see the voke First Impressions analysis of the acquisition announcement.  The Mercury segment of the Application Lifecycle Ecosystem will be updated once the intended HP acquisition is completed. 

Tag Results for HP — Blog

According to the Gregorian calendar, the December 21 equinox is rapidly approaching and consequently so is the end of the year 2006.

It seems fitting that as we phase out of our last 365 and in to our next 365 we should pause to remember the good and not so good. So, here is our interpretation of 2006...

Since I am in Los Angeles this week, I am in a Dragnet kind of a mood, and as Sgt. Joe Friday would say – “All we know are the facts, ma'am"

The facts are:
• The HP acquisition of Mercury is completed
• The cost to HP $4.5 billion in cash
• The acquisition was announced on July 25, 2006
• The acquisition was closed on November 7, 2006

All we know are the facts – all we know for certain...

The final (assuming the HP acquisition of Mercury closes) Mercury World was held in Las Vegas, Nevada the week of October 9, 2006. Captain Mercury had one last hurrah - I am sure many of you remember Captain Mercury, the superhero of load testing! ...

That is what HP (NYSE: HPQ) has ahead of themselves as they announce their bid of $52 per share or $4.5 billion to acquire Mercury Interactive Corporation (OTC: MERQ)...

I thought of this Tommy Tutone 1982 one hit wonder as I wrestled with the latest machinations of my mobile carrier. And, quite honestly, no blog is complete without some overt reference to 1980’s nonsensical music!

Let me get to my problem. I spend quite a bit of time on my bicycle. These rides are not just around the block to visit friends, rather they are Lance Armstrong inspired long distance events of 100 miles or more. One minor problem, I don’t have the luxury of having Johan Bruynell and the Disco team trailing me to provide food and support. Without the resources of the Team Discovery, I have to take my own food as well as communication device. This means a light weight, durable, and reliable cell phone. Easy problem to solve, right? Wrong!!!! I recently had to expand my Cingular calling plan to a family plan – even though I am the only person on the plan. So why does a family of one need a multi-number plan? Good question – here’s the problem and the solution…

Tag Results for HP — News

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Click on one of the key words below for related content

Tag Results for HP — Press Releases

Tag Results for HP — Industry Press Releases

Tag Results for HP — Event Calendar

Watch voke's Theresa Lanowitz and HP in a live webinar on August 13, 2015 to learn how to transform the lifecycle with service virtualiztion.

Join voke's Theresa Lanowitz at HP Discover 2015.

Session ID: PNL810 - Customer panel and HP discussion on HP Network Virtualization and Service Virtualization

Learn from the best, share with others, and implement what you learn during this panel discussion of customers and HP leaders. It will include audience participation, focusing on topics related to Network Virtualization and Service Virtualization. These two capabilities within Lifecycle Virtualization are essential for every development, testing and operations team. Find out how you can deliver amazing applications with confidence.

Tuesday,   June 02, 2015 12:30 p.m. - 01:30 p.m.   San Polo 3505

Join voke's Theresa Lanowitz and HP's Todd DeCapua in this exiting webinar about leveraging the power of virtualization in the application lifecycle.

Broadcast Date and Time: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at 1:00 p.m. ET

Join voke's Theresa Lanowitz and HP's Shamim Ahmed, CTO for ALM, HP Software Professional Services in this exciting webinar to learn how to move beyond Agile and overcome the Agile Dilemma.

Join voke's Theresa Lanowitz and HP's Kelly Emo at HP Discover 2013 in Las Vegas, Nevada to learn more about application development and testing in the brave new world of mobile, cloud, and composite applications.

Session ID: BB3356

On December 12 servicevirtualization.com is hosting an exclusive webinar with voke analyst, Theresa Lanowitz. Theresa and her team at voke recently interviewed hundreds of service virtualization users, managers and decision makers on the types of value they are receiving by modifying their application development practices.  

The value users are receiving is driving innovation faster and at the same time increasing quality inside companies. The report summarizes why application development teams face moving targets and how they are overcoming pervasive connection points and code changes to deliver more without increasing resources.  The survey results include quantitative numbers on:

  • Market Forces Causing Moving Targets
  • Metrics on Internal Politics and Constraints
  • Common Types of Virtualized Assets
  • Implementation and User Challenges
  • Why Companies purchased
  • Measurable ROI testimonials

Date:  Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Time: 1-2PM Central US

Going to HP Discover 2012 in Las Vegas?

Join industry analyst firm voke and HP to learn more about the benefits of lab management.

voke will share its research on lifecycle virtualization.  Learn about new solutions within HP Application Lifecycle Management and Performance Center that can help you manage your lab and accelerate your testing efforts.

Wednesday 06/06/12 from 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM.

HP Discover Session information:  BB2929: DevOps: lab management automation for testing in a continuous delivery environment

The world of applications is transforming and increasingly complex. The demands for new technologies like cloud & mobile, distributed global teams and lean methodologies have made it even more difficult to maintain competitive advantage and contain IT development costs.

Join HP's Matt Morgan and voke's Theresa Lanowitz as we share the results of a recent study on application modernization.

In this discussion you will hear how other global enterprises are addressing application modernization challenges:

  • What is the driving force behind modernization efforts
  • What is the business case for modernization
  • How other organizations are transforming their business through innovation and technology
  • How much is being invested in innovation vs. maintenance (time, % of development effort, budget, etc.)
  • How better quality, better performance and better security are addressed in modernization projects
  • How companies are determining which applications to keep, change or retire
  • How HP supports modernization and innovation

If you’re interested in optimizing IT resources by transforming your application lifecyclein particular efficiency and qualitythen Join Theresa Lanowitz, founder of analyst firm voke, as she presents the findings of a recent market snapshot on performance centers of excellence (CoEs). Topics covered will include building a performance COI, achieving qualitative and quantitative ROI, gaining organizational maturity, and realizing strategic value and tangible results. You’ll come away with a new strategic approach to delivering customer satisfaction, high quality, and resource savings.

To achieve business optimization through the application lifecycle, organizations are building centers of excellence (COE). A COE focused on performance is a strategic way to deliver customer satisfaction, high quality and resource savings.

Join Theresa Lanowitz, founder of voke Inc., as she presents the findings of a recent Market Snapshot on Performance Centers of Excellence. In this presentation, we will discuss:

  • Building a performance COE
  • Achieving performance COE ROI – qualitative and quantitative
  • Gaining organizational maturity through a performance COE
  • Realizing the benefits, results, and strategic value of a performance COE

Join HP, Blueprint and voke for the RQNG Speaker Series webcast on August 21, 2008 at 2:00 PM EST. Read More...

Tag Results for HP — Recognition

Organizations can no longer dictate where, when, or how software is used. Workers are mobile, customers are global, and every individual has a preference as to how they want to consume software. As a result, the testing market of the future will not have one dominant vendor; rather the market will be defined by software from testing vendors that is open and integrated with a wide variety of tooling options. Testers must be able to plan for and execute as many combinations and permutations of software and hardware as possible to predict the outcome of software usage. Testing professionals are now in the strategic role of customer advocate and help deliver higher quality software throughout the enterprise by placing a laser focus on assessing the risk associated with every piece of software.

The 2012 Market Mover Array recognizes the following testing platforms vendors:

  • Coverity
  • Electric Cloud
  • Experitest
  • HP
  • IBM
  • Keynote DeviceAnywhere
  • Micro Focus
  • Microsoft
  • Parasoft
  • Perfecto Mobile
  • QualiSystems
  • QMetry
  • Replay Solutions
  • SmartBear
  • Spirent
  • Wind River
  • ZAP technologies.com


Today we view the application lifecycle as both the business of software and a market complete with solutions and services from a variety of vendors. Understanding the business of software is critical for all organizations to ensure that the software that runs the business fulfills the brand promise.

This Market Mover ArrayTM report focuses on where the ALM market is moving. Instead of looking at the past, we will focus on the future and explore vendors’ innovation and technology as well as their marketing ability.

  • HP — defining and expanding the application lifecycle and the necessary link to the line of business
  • IBM — providing a comprehensive lifecycle solution for enterprise IT and systems software solutions
  • Microsoft — organically creating a lifecycle solution for a heterogeneous environment
  • MKS — delivering lifecycle solutions for product engineering teams and IT organizations
  • ThoughtWorks Studios — focusing on making the application lifecycle attainable by all organizations
  • TOMOS — delivering a lightweight and modern cloud solution for the application lifecycle
  • Wind River — delivering a lifecycle solution for software engineering teams of embedded, device, and systems software


Software has expanded its reach to become responsible for business processes, consumer purchases, transportation, communications, and devices that are always on and, in some cases, life-critical. The stakes of making sure that proper testing occurs at all levels are greater than ever. Testing is a comprehensive and critical part of the entire lifecycle. Today’s business executive must be able to guarantee working software free of defects to avoid compromising business, safety, or security.

This Market Mover Array™ report examines the history of the testing market and analyzes the vendors vying to move the market beyond the status quo.

  • HP and IBM — market share leaders with comprehensive solutions and professional services
  • Microsoft and Replay Solutions — delivering innovative game-changing solutions  using the power of virtualization technology
  • Coverity, Electric Cloud, and Klocwork — extending essential innovation beyond the test team
  • Fanfare — offering a testing platform for embedded systems and devices
  • MKS — delivering a collaborative test management environment as part of a comprehensive platform for product engineering and software development
  • QMetry and TOMOS — delivering lightweight cloud alternatives for testing
  • Micro Focus and Original Software — challengers to the traditional testing vendors

Login to read how HP Application Security Center delivers security to the application lifecycle.


Hewlett-Packard (HP) is in the Pivotal band of the voke Market Mover Array chart. HP’s position shows it is strong in both market leadership and technology. HP has continued to show progress and commitment to the application lifecycle market through its acquisition and partnering strategies. HP’s acquisition of Mercury in November 2006 has allowed the vendor to catapult its application lifecycle status to a higher level. The Mercury acquisition with market leading quality assurance offerings gave HP a core competency to work with as the vendor navigated the application lifecycle path.

HP is working to prove itself as an enterprise-worthy partner in the application lifecycle market. Its partnerships and acquisitions have proven to be strategic over the past 24 months. Watch for HP to deliver more value through organic growth of its offerings.